giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Pinocchio
client: Internoitaliano
date: April 2019
project assistant: Luca Madonini
photo credits: Massimo Gardone

Pinocchio is a vase in blown Murano glass that bears a strong likeness to the well-known character created by Carlo Collodi. A tribute to one of the most inimitable icons of Italian culture in the world, the Pinocchio of Internoitaliano shifts the focus away from the typical material of the marionette – wood – to elegant colored glass, in three different sizes. Ironically enough, the strong point of the project, which is totally made by hand, is the nose in white glass paste, whose length always varies depending on the whim of the master glassblowers… so every piece is one of a kind.


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