giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Summit
client: Casamania
date: April 2015
project assistants: Alessandro Stabile, Gaia Bottari

Summit is a modular and adjustable sofa. The characteristic that makes it unique of its kind, is the possibility – thanks to a system of joints – of moving in the space and acquire different shapes according to the situations: from a linear sofa, to two semi-frontal armchairs. The movement is manual and made possible by a natural leather handle, sewed on the back of the seat. The strong iconic character of Summit’s shape leads to consider it as a simple sofa, intentionally linear and volumetric that, thanks to its mobility can be immediately transformed into other kinds of seats. With a reinforcing embossed black metal base and uphostelered with a completely removable elastic lining it adapts both to residential areas, and to the market of contract.






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