giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Ora In / Ora Out
client: Alessi
date: September 2015
project assistants: Alessandro Stabile, Mario Scairato
photo credits: Alessandro Milani, Matteo Imbriani

With the cufflinks “Ora In” and “Ora Out” Giulio Iacchetti has invented a new category in Clocks: that of “corner clocks”. In fact, these Clocks are designed to be hung in a corner of the house or workspace, thereby setting a before and after in this category’s very diverse scene. The Clock’s surprising formal solution (which is also suitable for corners not exactly orthogonal) provides a wider range of use, allowing it to be read from viewpoints that are quite offset relative to its location.
Alberto Alessi

ora in


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