giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Spal
client: Alessi
date: February 2017
project assistant: Alessandro Stabile

A professional scoop to enjoy ice-cream at home as at the parlour. Developed in partnership with IFI – an Italian company which specialises in technologies and furnishings for cafés and ice-cream parlours – the Spal ice-cream scoop combines elemental design with superior functional performance. Spal, which is produced at the factory in Crusinallo, Omegna, is made of titanium, a sophisticated and unusual material for a household object. Titanium guarantees superior technical performance levels, which are ideal for an ice-cream utensil: anti-bacterial, light weight, durability and reduced thermal conductivity. The thermoplastic resin handle is ergonomic and functional and it is designed to allow a convenient grip while avoiding your fingers coming into contact with the ice-cream.




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