giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Clothespins
client: Triennale di Milano
date: 12 October – 12 November 2017

Exhibition curated by Giulio Iacchetti

Research and production collaboration: Elisa Testori, Paolo Garberoglio
Graphic project: Studio Iacchetti
Photo credits: Studio Iacchetti / Gianluca Di Ioia

Every age and every civilisation has come up with the most diverse technical and formal solutions for “pinning” or “pegging” clothes and linen to the classic washing line. Looking at these 150 models of clothespins clearly shows how designers in all ages and in distant places around the world are still far from adopting a standard, uniform solution for this particular need. The diversity in the design of so many clothespins points to a desire never to settle for what one has, but always to move forward and explore new directions, showing how Enzo Mari’s objective in his statement “there is only one possible form” is still a long way off and possibly one that will never be attained.






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