giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Italianità
client: Corraini
date: 2009

Trademarks and “legendary” objects of the recent Italian history, that created the “visual conscience” of Italy: from the Apecar to the Bacio Perugina, from the Gazzetta dello Sport to the TG1 news theme, each object is presented through a short and light text by an author each time different and an illustration inspired to the object by Ale + Ale.
Not conceived as a “celebrative” publication, this book curated by Giulio Iacchetti looks at the quality objects that created Italy’s visual conscience from a graphic and emotional poit of view at the same time. Without the aim of systematicity or completeness in a virtually boundless landscape, this volume is a personal glance on these visual and cultural “ancestors” from the privileged designer’s point of view.
Here is the list of the “legendary” objects: the Agip logo, the spaghetti Aglio olio e peperoncino, the Apecar, the Bacio Perugina, the Bucaneve Doria, the calendar by Frate Indovino, the Coccoina glue, the ice-cream Coppa del nonno, the woman of the Dado Star, Diabolik, Fantozzi, the Festa dell’Unità, the Panini stickers, the sportsnewspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, the bicycle Graziella, the liquorice Tabù, the Moka Bialetti, the Nutella, the Carabinieri trousers, the Leone pastilles, the sign Sali e Tabacchi, the Sambuca Molinari, the magazine Settimana enigmistica, the Superga shoes, the polling booth, the TG1 news theme, the footballnews Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto.

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