giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Bloom
client: Casamania
date: 2010
project assistants: Alessandro Stabile, Alessandro Gnocchi

The inspiration behind the Bloom bookshelf comes directly from the natural world, in particular the idea of the ‘bud’ which allows Bloom to blossom forth – grow and multiply. Traditionally the term ‘bookshelf’ implies a static form created for storage (of books, magazines, folders, papers or objects) but in BLOOM, the meaning is slightly shifted to wards the idea of an ‘evolving system’ made up of memories, constantly growing – prolific and abundant.
In terms of the design itself, Bloom is a piece characterised by research and innovation. The teak used in the creation of bloom, is certified FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and comes from Floresteca.

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